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AC Servicing & Coil Cleaning

AC Servicing & Coil Cleaning

Under Dubai’s heat, most homes run on air-conditioning to maintain a cool and relaxed atmosphere at home. However, consistently using your AC can hasten the build-up of dirt, mildew, and other contaminants within the system. When this happens the quality of the air you breathe decreases significantly as the dirt and pathogens can be blown directly into your home. Thus, it is recommended to get your AC professionally cleaned regularly.

Benefits of AC Servicing and Coil Cleaning

Professional Staff

Area of Infection


Intensive Sanitization

How We Do That?

  • Our professional staff is knowledgeable and experienced in various types of units, hence they know exactly how to handle every A/C unit they come across.
  • We can clean the inside of your unit where the dirt, mildew, mold, and other particles usually build up while preserving every part of the mechanism.
  • We clean outdoor units from dirt, debris, sand, and other potential blockages that can diminish the quality of your air.

For professional A/C servicing to greatly improve the air you breathe and prolong the life of your unit, contact us now and schedule an appointment with Dubai’s most professional A/C cleaners.

Upon completion we will issue you a cleaning Certificate and photograph and an after service report. The Cleaning Certificate is valid for 12 months. At the end of this time we can re-inspect your system for you if you require.

Looking To Hire For AC Servicing & Coil Cleaning

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